The Rev. Tammy Breitbarth
Originally from central Illinois, Tammy moved to the Amarillo-Canyon area in 1980 to play softball at West Texas State University and has been here ever since. Upon receiving her degree, she was an educator for 39 years in Amarillo ISD until her retirement in June 2022. She currently lives in Amarillo with her daughter, Grace. Tammy was ordained in September 2020 as a Vocational Deacon in the Diocese of NW Texas and was assigned to St. Andrew’s Amarillo where she had attended for many years prior to ordination.

Tammy currently assists with many church ministries, and coordinates our ministry of Toiletries for Friends With Need. However, she will tell you that her greatest passion is for everyone to know that they are seen and loved simply for being the person that God created them to be; therefore, you will see her hugging and greeting people throughout the Nave on most Sunday mornings and at other church gatherings.