8:45AM - 11:45AM
A nursery is available for children ages 3 and younger starting at 8:45 on Sunday mornings, through the end of the 10:30 service.

Kids' Formation Hour
St. Francis' and St. Nick's Rooms
9:30AM - 10:15AM
A time for kids to learn about God's love through lessons, guest speakers, fun, and games! Two levels: PreK/K and Grades 1-5.

Children's Chapel
Children's Chapel in Lowndes Hall
10:20AM - 10:50AM
A worship service from age three through third grade. Adult volunteers help the kids to learn songs and Bible stories, then the kids join the 10:30 worship service after the sermon is over.

EYC Events
EYC Room
6:15PM (after the 5:30 service)
Join our Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) as we grow in love of God and love of neighbor . . . but, like, while playing paintball, or building a raised garden bed for our neighbors!

Youth Coffee Hour
EYC Room
9:30AM - 10:15AM
A time for youth in grades 6 to 12 to talk about how to love God and love their neighbors in a relaxed environment. Generally, coffee hour is in the summer months, and Youth Formation occurs during the academic year.

Youth Confirmation Class
St. Sophia's Room
9:30AM - 10:15AM
Confirmation class prepares our young people for a life rooted in God's love, and helps them discern how their faith can be a real and essential part of their daily lives. The youth confirmands will be integrated into the Seekers and Newcomers class for most of the Fall semester.

Youth Formation Hour
EYC Room
9:30AM - 10:15AM
A time for youth to learn about God and connect with one another on Sunday mornings. Generally, coffee hour is in the summer months, and Youth Formation occurs during the academic year.

Small Groups
Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs
Various locations
Various times
Looking to have fun and make friends while deepening your faith? We have a variety of small groups - various days of the week, some in-person, some online, some short term, some long term - and likely one that fits your needs! Check out the Small Groups page for more info.

Formation Community
St. Catherine's Room + Zoom
9:30AM - 10:15AM
St. Andrew’s Adult Formation Community class is a welcoming, engaging class that allows parishioners to grow together in faith and fellowship. Our class has rotating topics, such as The Way of Love, Saints and Sages, Spiritual Journeys, a Beloved Community speaker series, and TED Talks, with a variety of class presenters. We meet Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in Lowndes Hall (St. Catherine’s Room) and on Zoom. Join via Zoom:

Seekers and Newcomers
St. Sophia's Room
9:30AM - 10:15AM
St. Andrew's Seekers & Newcomers Class is for anyone seeking God, desiring to grow in the Christian faith, and wishing to grow more in this beautiful and deeply spiritual faith tradition. We are open to everyone, whether you are brand new to church or are a long-time member. This is a "come and explore" opportunity, with no obligations placed on anyone who attends. At the end of this class, you may wish to be confirmed, baptized, received, or reaffirmed in the church.

Lenten Series
Wednesdays in Lent
St. Alban's (fireplace room)
Starting Lent - This clergy-led Bible study will meet on Wednesday evenings after the Eucharist/Unction service and potluck dinner.

Beloved Community Group
2nd Sunday of Month
This group focuses on understanding the need for racial reconciliation and reaches out through partnerships with Storybridge (early literacy), Margaret Wills Elementary School, and with Refugee Services of Texas. Email Colleen McCall at to get further information or receive the Zoom invitation

Our Ordinary Madness
St. Benedict (downstairs)
9:30AM - 10:15AM
The group is for those who are in the midst of both nurturing kids and a marriage or other meaningful relationships in their lives. We know doing this can sometimes feel like navigating tricky waters, so we want to make it easy. No book study, no required reading, just show up and join in a conversation with others about some of the challenges and gifts that come with marriage and parenting. Jim Coventry, who has many years experience and extensive knowledge in working with groups will be the facilitator. If there are any questions please contact Fr. Jared at
Advent Series
Wednesdays in Advent
Fireplace Room
This series is offered on Wednesdays in the season of Advent (usually December). Generally the series is clergy-led, and preceded by a potluck dinner.